Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 10: Firehouse Chicken

Today's recipe is in honor of a reader named Wayne. He lives in Alberta, Canada and has been cooking in his D.O. in -15 degree weather. Now that is commitment and my hat is off to you. I am complaining about 25 degrees! I must be a real whiner! :) This recipe came from one of my favorite blogs, realmomkitchen . It was designed to be grilled, but I baked it instead. It is nice and spicy, but won't have you breathing fire. So without further delay...

Firehouse Chicken
12" Dutch Oven

6 thawed boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1/2 cup Frank's Red Hot Sauce
3/4 cup of your favorite BBQ sauce
4 Tbs. melted butter
2 Tbs. Worcestershire sauce

Place all ingredients in a 12" dutch oven. Cook with 10 coals on the bottom and 14 on top for about 45 minutes or until chicken is done. If you want to grill this one then marinate the chicken in the sauce for 1 hour. Grill the chicken over medium heat until done. Easy Peasy!

The Finished Product

What I Learned

I finally got the heat right on this one! Hooray!! Picture me dancing around (not well) and jumping up and down cheering. This cooked beautifully and it took about 45 minutes--about the same amount of time it would have taken in my kitchen. Now that I am getting the temps right, the next hurdle is to make sure I have enough coals to keep the temp constant and finish cooking. One triumph at a time!

The Review

This chicken is great. I can't wait to try it grilled this summer. I think I will use a little more hot sauce next time. It seemed to get diluted by the chicken juices. But it had a nice kick on the back end. Maybe I will marinate the chicken in the sauce before I bake it and add in a few slices of my favorite hot peppers as well. This one is a solid grade A.


  1. What was the site you said was "one of your favorite blogs"?

  2. OOPS! Sorry! It was from Laura at There is a link on my blog roll, but I will add it to the post. Sorry everyone!
