Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 26: Gooey Cake

I thought it was time for a sweet treat DO style. I figure since all our New Year's resolutions have flown out the window anyway, chocolate was in order. I ended up having to make this recipe twice. The first time it was diagnosed with acute baking powder deficiency. The second time was much better. My seven year old daughter dubbed this "Gooey Cake".

Hot Fudge Cake
10" dutch oven
1 cup flour
3/4 cup sugar
6 Tbs. baking cocoa, divided
2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup milk
2 Tbs. vegetable oil
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 3/4 cup hot water
whipped cream or ice cream
In a bowl, combine flour, sugar, 2 Tbs. cocoa, baking powder and salt. Stir in the milk, oil and vanilla until smooth. Spread in you DO. Combine the remaining 4 Tbs. cocoa and brown sugar. Sprinkle over the batter. Pour the hot water over everything, but DO NOT stir. Bake for 30-35 minutes with 7 coals on the bottom and 14 on top.
The Finished Product

What I Learned

First, don't forget to put baking powder in your baked goods. Second, this was really easy. It was a little warmer today, almost 40 degrees when I cooked it, and it made a difference. I didn't need to add quite as much heat.

The Review

When I need a chocolate fix, this is what I want. It was gooey and chocolaty and sweet and rich. I think I could eat it everyday. My kids have begged me to make it again tomorrow. It was really easy to put together and worked perfectly in the DO. I thought about adding some crushed peppermint candies for Christmastime or maybe with peppermint ice cream. This gets an A.


  1. I know what to make when I buy another Do before my wife lets me :p I'll have to call it a "Getting a Job" present for myself lol

    Looks gooey to me :)

  2. Just make this cake for you wife with the new DO. Add some vanilla bean ice cream and all will be forgiven. It would work on me!! LOL

  3. Hi Toni! I love your website, and am on here everyday to get you new recipe! I am planning on making this for dessert tonight, and am wondering.... do you serve it right off the coals hot, or do you wait for awhile to let it cool off? Also, do you oil your DO before hand? This will only be my second attempt at DO cooking. The first was with your chicken marsala, and boy was it good! Thanks again for the great site!
