Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 121: Strawberry and Green Apple Crisp

I love using seasonal produce.  Everything tastes fresher and has a fuller flavor.  Lately, my fridge has been loaded with spinach, carrots, cabbage and strawberries.  Asparagus is next on the list as soon as the local growers begin their harvest.  After suffering through an entire winter of imported fruits and veggies, its all I can do to contain myself when spring finally hits.  I just planted 75 new baby strawberry plants and my asparagus is just starting to push up through the soil.  My mouth is starting to water!  Today's recipe came from a site called Tasty Sensations, and is chock full of fresh strawberries.  I love that it is a little bit healthier version of this dessert.  It calls for whole wheat flour, but if you don't keep it on hand, don't let it keep you from trying this recipe, just use all purpose flour.

Strawberry and Green Apple Crisp
10" dutch oven

 4 cups thinly sliced Granny Smith apples
1 cup strawberries, sliced thick
3/4 cup oats
1 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
5 Tbs. butter, nearly melted
1 Tbs. chopped walnuts (optional--I left these out, I'm allergic)

Place cut fruit in you oiled DO.  Mix the dry ingredients, pouring nearly melted butter over mixture and work through with a fork until the mixture becomes crumbly.  Top with walnuts if desired.  Pour mixture over fruit and spread evenly.  Bake at 375*, using 16 coals on top and 7 on the bottom, for 35 minutes.  Serve warm.  Serves 6.

The Finished Product

This dessert is so good, I had to post 2 pics!

The Review

This recipe is definitely in my top 10 favorites so far this year.  There is no way to describe how good this is.  The flavors of the strawberries and apples compliment each other perfectly.  It is sweet and perfectly spiced.  The strawberries also give the apples a beautiful red tint.  I wanted to lick the pot clean.  I will make this several more times in the next few weeks.  I can't think of a better way to take advantage of strawberry season!  Grade:  A.

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