Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 128: Butter Flake Dinner Rolls

I'm glad I can post these back recipes.  I've been afraid I'd lose the recipe,or forget where I put it, or worse yet, that I'd put it away in my recipe drawer with all the other loose papers.  This is a recipe that I almost have memorized.  These rolls are one of the first yeast breads that I ever learned to make.  They are almost fool proof.  I have yet to have them not turn out.  These are the rolls that I take to Thanksgiving dinner every year and to neighbors when they are sick.  Anyone can make these.

Butter Flake Dinner Rolls
14" dutch oven

1/2 cup warm water
1 Tbs. yeast
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp. salt
3 eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup warm milk
3/4 cup softened butter, divided
4-5 cups flour

Dissolve the yeast in warm water.  Add the sugar and let stand for 5 minutes.  Add salt, eggs, milk and 1/2 cup butter.  Mix in 4-5 cups of flour, or enough to form a very soft dough.  It will be pretty sticky.  Cover and let rise until doubled. 
Turn dough out onto a floured surface and divide in half.  Roll each half into a circle and spread with additional 1/4 melted butter.  Cut into wedges as if you were cutting a pizza.  Roll each triangle into a crescent roll and place in a greased DO.  Let rise 45 minutes.  Bake at 350*, using 11 coals on the bottom and 17 on top, for 20 minutes or until golden brown.  Remove from heat and brush tops with melted butter.  Serves 8-10.

The Finished Product

The Review

These are some of my favorite rolls.  I honestly can't make any other rolls, they just never turn out, but I know that these will always be perfect.  They are light and buttery.  My kids make peanut butter sandwiches out of the leftovers since they stay so soft.  They are also pretty.  They took longer to cook in my DO, so when you make them, check them after 20 minutes, but know that they will probably take closer to 30-35 minutes.  I just realized that when I cooked mine, I used too few coals, hence the longer cooking time.  With the right heat they should only take 20-25 minutes.Since these are the only rolls I can get to work, I give them an A.


  1. These look really good! I am enjoying reading your blog. Could the reason for the extra baking time be the coal count?


  2. They look great. I am glad I am not the only one with piles of recipes to "try one day" as well as folders full on the HD. I have a bread I make and stuff with mince (ground) meat that I make from in my head and have made it for over 30 years and it never fails :)

  3. Okay--I made a major DO faux pas! I totally screwed up the coal count! Normally I only do that when no one can see. I didn't use enough coals. It should be 17 coals on top and 11 on the bottom! Thanks BigJohn for pointing that out--I'll fix the post! :)
