Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 149: Orange Rolls

I have finally found the perfect bread recipe.  I've made a lot of different bread recipes over the years, but I think I've finally found a winner.  This recipe comes from a dear friend named Karen.  She makes the bread and rolls by which all breads are measured.  I judge how good my bread is compared to hers.  I finally got to have her teach me how she makes her bread, and it has paid off.  I can finally quit searching for the perfect bread recipe, because this is it.  I've used this dough for bread, rolls of all kinds, hamburger and hot dog buns and braids.

Orange rolls
14" dutch oven

2 1/4 cups warm water
1 Tbs. yeast
1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 cup vegetable oil
5-6 cups flour
1/4 cup softened butter


1/2 cup sugar
Zest from 1 orange


Powdered sugar
Juice from 1 orange

Combine the yeast and warm water in a mixing bowl and let sit for 5 minutes.  Add the oil, sugar, salt and about 2-2 1/2 cups of flour.  Mix until it is smooth and has the consistency of pancake batter.  Let it rise 20-30 minutes.  Don't skip this step, it is worth it, I promise.  Add the remaining flour a little at a time, until the dough pulls completely away from the sides of the bowl.  Continue to mix or knead until it is smooth.  Let it rise in a greased bowl until double in size, about an hour.  Divide the dough in half.  On a greased board, roll out the dough into a circle about 1/4" thick.  Spread with softened butter and sprinkle with orange zest/sugar mixture.  Cut into wedges as for pizza.  Roll up like crescent rolls.  Repeat with the other half of the dough.  Put the rolls in a greased DO and let rise until double.  Bake at 350* for 20-25 minutes or until the tops are golden brown.  Use 16 coals on top and 12 on the bottom or 1 1/2 rings on top and 1 ring on the bottom.  Cover with glaze while still hot.  Makes about 30 rolls. 

The Finished Product

The Review

Like I said before, this is the best bread recipe.  These rolls melted in your mouth!  Even my orange roll hating hubby liked them.  I couldn't stop eating them.  They were soft and gooey and delicious.  I love using the ring method for cooking breads.  This baked perfectly.  I might make more of these today too!  Grade A.


  1. So very glad the ring method is working for you. I agree with the comment of Dairy Keen in a previous post, 10 people will give you 10 different ways of doing heat control, how to season, how to wash, how to... fill in the blank. You are doing things the right way be experimenting with them all and giving your audience an honest opinion. For that, I thank you!

  2. I also agree with Dairy Keens comment. My goal is to experiment with as many different methods as I can find. Sometimes I get frustrated when things don't work, and I'm afraid that leaks through on the blog, but I really hate letting things get the best of me. Slowly but surely I'm going to become an expert at this--after I've tried everything!
