Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 332: Chicken Enchilada Ring

Good Morning!!  I hope you are all having a wonderful day!  I want to thank everyone who has pre-ordered my cookbook and remind everyone that it will be available soon!  For all my international readers, please contact me for the shipping charges and where to send payment.  The rate for Canada will be $6.25, and Australia and Europe will be higher too, but I am more than willing to ship them, so don't hesitate to contact me! 

This is a cheater version of chicken enchiladas.  It is great for busy days and I seem to be having a lot of them lately.  It also means I don't have to stand out in the snow and stir something.  I know, I'm a big wimp!  :) :)

Chicken Enchilada Ring
14" dutch oven

2 cups cooked shredded chicken
1 cup cheddar cheese
1 small can chopped chilies, undrained
1 cup sour cream
1 cup re fried beans
1 package taco seasoning
2 packages of crescent rolls

Stir together chicken, cheese, chilies, sour cream, re fried beans and taco seasoning.  Unroll crescent dough and separate triangles. Arrange them in the dutch oven, making a circle with wide ends overlapping in the center and points toward outside.  Spread chicken mixture evenly onto widest end of each triangle. Bring points of triangles up and over filling and tuck under wide ends of dough at the center of the ring.  Bake at 375 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes. Serve with salsa and sour cream, if desired.  Serves 6.

The Finished Product

The Review

For a quick and easy weeknight meal, this is really good.  All my kids loved it, and even my hubby didn't complain about a fast meal (I've really spoiled him this year with all the good food we've eaten).  Its not the most beautiful dish I've ever made, but it will go on my list of week night meals.  Grade B+.


  1. There is a slower but cheaper mail rate to Australia, I am happy to wait for the book and not pay the higher postages rates. :)

  2. Carolyn--

    I'll look into the mail rate. I haven't talked to the post office about Australian shipping yet. I'll let you know as soon as I can!
