Saturday, December 11, 2010

An Apology

Let me apologize in advance for the next few days.  We just found out yesterday that my mom has cancer.  We only know that it is lymphoma but not how advanced it is.  So I'll be spending the next few days with my family and I'll make up the posts when I can.  Thanks for your understanding and any prayers you could send our way.  Love you all!


  1. I am sorry for your bad news. Darlene, my first wife lost her battle with cancer 14 years age. a yearlong fight. We were marred 35 years, and she was my D.O. partner. My prayers are with you.

  2. No apologies necessary. Go spend time with your mom, enjoy the holidays, and we'll be here whenever you are ready!

  3. Toni, you owe us nothing. Please have quality time with your Mom. You and your family are in our thoughts.


  4. Very sayd news. We all hope things turn out well. I lost my father to cancer many years ago.

    Thanks for all you have done in 2010.

  5. Our thoughts and prayers are coming your way!

  6. No apologies or worry's about your posts. We will keep your mom in our prayers too!!

  7. Hoping for the best for you and your family. Family come first, we'll be here when your able to post.

  8. forget us and love your Mom. Our prayers are with you and your family.

  9. Prayers and thoughts of healing headed your way. BUT that care of yourself too.
