Monday, April 25, 2011

Banana Coconut Upside Down Cake

Hi Everyone!  I'm still here and still alive, just overwhelmingly busy the last month.  As most of you know, my mom was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma in December and she is 5 treatments in to a 6 treatment chemo regimen.  I'm happy to report that her cancer is responding really well to the chemo.  The lymph nodes that were the size of a softball are now the size of a marble, so her prognosis is really good.  On the flip side, CHEMO SUCKS!  I've spent as much time as I can helping her through the weakness and fatigue.  We are very grateful that we only have a few more weeks of it, then we can get back to living.  Thanks to all of you for your kind emails and prayers.

I have a really fabulous recipe for you today.  Its so good that I'm working on a variation or two to use in a cook off.  For today I'm posting the original recipe, but I'll share the variations later once I've got it just right.  But I'll give you a hint, think Pina Colada Cake.

Banana Coconut Upside Down Cake
2-10" dutch ovens

1 yellow cake mix
3 eggs
1/4 cup oil
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup water
6 bananas, sliced 1/4 inch thick
1 1/2 cups shredded coconut
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup butter
2 Tbs. lemon juice

To prepare the pots, oil the bottoms and fit each pot with a piece of parchment paper that is cut to fit inside, then oil the parchment.

Combine the cake mix, eggs, oil, water, and sour cream and mix vigorously for 2 minutes.  Place the banana slices evenly on the bottom of each pan.

In a small dutch oven, melt the butter over 6-8 coals.  (I had to use my 12" because it was the smallest one I had left.)  Add the brown sugar and lemon juice and heat until the sugar dissolves.  Pour half of the brown sugar mixture over the bananas in each pot .  Sprinkle the coconut over the brown sugar sauce.

Pour the cake batter over the top of the coconut in each pan, dividing equally.

Bake at 350° for 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick comes our clean.  Use 1 ring on top and 1 ring on the bottom.  Remove from heat and let sit for 10 minutes.  Invert onto serving dishes.  Serve warm.  Makes 2-10" cakes.

The Finished Product

The Review

Wow!  Is all I can say.  This is a really simple recipe that gives absolutely stellar results!  The bananas are my favorite part, hands down.  Next time I'm going to slice them even thicker because I kept wanting more bananas.  The brown sugar sauce and the coconut....I'm drooling all over my keyboard right now!  I think a pineapple cake mix would be really good too!  This gets an A-, only because I have some really good ideas to make it even better!

Source:  The Girl Who Ate Everything


  1. Glad to hear your Mom is doing better. We have certainly missed you!!

  2. My Mum had that also its hard on them and their families. The cake looks good, should I go ahead and try it or wait till your really good ideas to make it even better get posted? :)

  3. Glad to hear your mother is responding so well, that's great news!

  4. Carolyn- You really should try it. You won't be sorry. You'll just have to try it again when I get the bugs worked out of the improved version. :) Try adding some rum or rum extract to the brown sugar sauce. I'm also working on a filling that has crushed pineapple in it. So far, its been to sweet and hasn't worked well, but I'm getting closer!

  5. Boy that cake looks fantastic... Gotta try it...
