Friday, July 15, 2011

A Little Help?

Okay, I need a little help from all of you.  I get to cook a dutch oven dinner for 30 people from our church and I have absolutely no idea what to make.  It really shouldn't be that hard, its not like I don't have a million recipes, but I'm having a major brain cramp and I can't come up with anything.  We want it to be nice, but not too expensive and there will be about 15 8-11 year old girls there, so it has to be kid friendly.  I'll take any suggestions you've got!  Thanks and I love you all!


  1. We like doing a simple, mild, curry dish to feed the masses :) Start by browning the onions and some chicken chunks in some oil. Add some diced potatoes and carrots (I just use baby carrots cut in 1/2 or so) and then add coconut milk to make it nice and saucy and salt and pepper to taste. We use golden curry (mild) for the curry that use can get from most grocers and is much better then looks like a little candy bar and you can break off how ever many pieces you would like to use (similar to a candy bar too). Add the lid and let it steam cook everything for a while. Serve over rice. If it is too thin...sometimes I thicken with a little cornstarch...

  2. Toni:
    Try my Coca Cola chicken,Funeral potatoes, and Peach, Apricot Cobbler. I do this for church dinners allot, and thy always love it. I think all the recipes are on the blog.
    Ron Clanton
    The Outlaw Gourmet

    Don't rob your self of good cookin'

  3. Lasagna, easy to make, and the kids will love it.

  4. Well, you probably already had your company but I would suggest a big pot o beans, brats & corn bread. I just made Rural Michigan Beans last night and they were a huge hit. I will post it pretty soon.

  5. Pulled pork? On salad or rolls.

  6. Potatoes au gratin and bacon or ham, or a Dutch Oven Shepherd's Pie - Cooklikeaman

  7. I'm with Mrs. Organic, pulled pork is the way to please a crowd! Paired with my Cowboy Beans and I promise it'll be a hit. I may be a little late commenting...but here's the link, it's worth making, I promise.
