Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

I've hit a major milestone today.  I'm officially OLD!  Yep, the big 4-0.  Time to start my mid life crisis.  I'm thinking sports cars (maybe a yellow 2011 Camaro) and younger men.  On second thought, I think I'll stick with the sports cars, I finally got the man I have trained and I don't want to start over.  :)  I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll try not to cry when they have to call the fire department to put out the candles on my cake.  See you tomorrow!


  1. Happy Birthday! Treat yourself, let everyone cook for you today. Forties are great, enjoy your big day! Liddy

  2. Happy Birthday! You've got 15 years on me! Lol. Enjoy your day!

  3. Happy Birthday, remember you are only old if you believe it. I'll never be old!

  4. Happy Birthday!! Hope your day is full of great surprises & fun things to do or just relax. Forties for me was good except the menolpausal stuff ;) You may have 15 yrs on Anonymous but I have 14 on you... so feel young again!!

    BTW, I would stick with the car too. I also have a great hubby but the thought of starting over is horrifying. LOL

  5. Toni:
    I have been cooking in the Dutch oven almost as long as you are old, but 40s not old, Try 70 and still move those black pots around. LOL. I am cooking at a D.O.G. to day. Must get going. Happy B- day.

  6. Hope you have a great day Toni - the love of cooking in black pots doesnt worry about ages. I have a daughter 41 and another who turned 40 this year. They both seem young to me and sometimes :) I still feel 40 (until I look in the mirror). My youngest will be 38 this year and I guess when she turns 40 I will really feel old. 70 is getting might close for me so your still a babe in arms. Enjoy every day they do slip by very fast.

  7. Belated happy birthday! Hope you keep cooking and blogging for many years to come!
