Wednesday, September 28, 2011

So....What Do You Think So Far?

Good morning everyone!  I'm dying to hear what you think of the new Dutch Oven Madness! I hope you all like it as much as I do.  I'm only about half done with the changes, and obviously the most noticeable change is the awesome new background.  Over the next few weeks I'll be adding some tabs to make finding your favorite recipes and DO info faster, and making it easier to print the recipes you want to try.  I'll also be using a new format for posting.  But now I'm curious what will make Dutch Oven Madness more user friendly for you.  I'd love to have your input, so leave a comment and tell me what you'd like to see!  Thanks!


  1. So far, soo good. Like the changes, we'll see how you tweek it!

  2. Like it a lot! Very easy to navigate.

  3. Looks great, you can almost hear the fire crackling! Liddy

  4. Hot stuff! Recipe index tab please with a printable recipe option!

  5. Rhonda--Both of those are in the works and I'll have them up as soon as I can. There will also be a tab for all the DO care, cleaning and temperature control. And I'll be updating all the informational posts as well. Stay tuned!

  6. Thanks for all the comments! I'm glad everyone likes it!

  7. Dutch oven newbie here, but hope to add to the discussion. What's the simple way to set up a user id and password to post comments??

  8. Anon- The easiest way is to set up a google account. I know there are other ways, but I'm kind of a google gal.
