Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 207:Sausage stuffed Pork Loin with Rice Pilaf

This dish has been my go to dish for company for several years now. A friend of mind returned from a stay at a hunting resort where he was served this stuffed pork loin that had been cooked on a grill and was really bragging about how good it was. Well as normal it got me to thinking and sometimes that can be dangerous! I have done this on the grill as well but believe it is better in the Dutch oven. Most of the time I use a 14" oven but will use a smaller one if the pork loin is smaller.

This dish has done real good for me at cooking events both Dutch ovens and sometimes I have entered it in the "Anything But" category in BBQ cook offs.

Stuffed Pork Loin with Rice Pilaf

1 pork loin 5-8 lbs
1 lb of breakfast sausage
1 medium onion
¼ cup bell pepper chopped
½ medium red apple chopped
½ cup instant rice
½ cup olives

½ cup apple juice
7 strips of bacon


1 tbsp basil
1 tbsp sage
1 tbsp dry mustard
2 tbsp chili powder
1 tbsp paprika
2 tbsp brown sugar
2 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp salt
1 tbsp garlic powder


2 cups 10 minute rice
1 can mixed vegetables

Cut the loin almost in half, length way, then fillet from center to outside at a depth of ¾ inch on both sides making the loin into a rectangle. Mix all of the rub ingredients together and blend well. Rub the spices into both sides of the loin and let set at least 30 minutes. Next combine all stuffing ingredients in a bowl and mix evenly. Spoon this mixture into flattened loin. Roll up jelly roll style and tie off with butcher’s twine. Place the tied loin into a 14” preheated Dutch oven and add the apple juice. Now crisscross the bacon on top of the loin. Cook at 350º;I do a full ring of coal on top and bottom and after 45 minutes add the rice pilaf mixture and add a half ring of coal on top and cook another 20 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand 10 minutes with the lid on.

One thing I do most of the time is to slice another onion into 3/8" rings and use them in place of a trivet. By placing the loin on the onion rings you get some additional flavor and it keeps the meat from burning on the bottom.

This is a dish that I have become known for locally and is requested often.


  1. Wow! Your great recipes just don't stop! I really want to try! Joni

  2. Forgot to ask what kind of pork roast you are using...butt, shoulder, sirloin? Joni

  3. Joni,
    I use a pork loin roast. The meat is great but the rice after soaking up the apple juice and porking juices is fantastic!

  4. Is the breakfast sausage already browned before you put it in the stuffing mix. I can't imagine it cooking inside the loin. I've done a lot of stuffed loins and have never put uncooked meat inside. Just curious, not questioning it.


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