Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! I hope you are all wearing green, if not, consider yourself pinched! I spent the morning at the orthodontist with my oldest son. He is walking on air because after almost 3 years in braces he will be metal free in a month. I warned him that the train tracks jokes will increase because now his days are numbered. He was too excited to care about a little teasing.
Today is treat day at dutch oven madness. I decided we needed more chocolate in our lives and some mint mixed in makes it even better. Baking just gets easier and easier in the DO. Cakes are really simple to bake and mine turned out perfectly. My 7 year old daughter's favorite color is green, so she especially loved the frosting on this cake.
Mint Chocolate Cake
14" dutch oven
1 box chocolate cake mix
1/2 cup butter, softened
2 cups powdered sugar
1 Tbs. water
1/2 tsp. peppermint extract
3 drops green food coloring
1 1/2 cups milk chocolate chips
6 Tbs. butter
1/4 tsp. peppermint extract
Prepare cake batter according to package directions. Pour into an oiled 14" DO. Bake at 350* for 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. I used 11 coals on the bottom and 17 on top. Let cake cool completely.
In a large bowl, combine the frosting ingredients until smooth. Spread over cooled cake.
For the topping, melt the chocolate chips and butter; stir until smooth. Stir in the extract. I cheated and used my microwave for this. Spread over the frosting. Allow to set before cutting. Serves 12-15.
The Finished Product
The Review
These were yummy. I wish there had been more frosting. It was really soft, creamy and smooth. I will make a little more next time. These didn't last long-nothing in my house ever does! These could be made at Valentine's Day with white cake, strawberry flavoring and pink food coloring, or at Christmas you could add a little orange extract along with the mint. Heck, these would be good for the 14th of September, the 9th of April, or any time! I have to give these an A.
Your cake looks nice and moist. I am not a chocolate luvin person, but you could convince me to try a piece me thinks. Hint Hint